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    TI的单输出 LDO 1.0A固定电压 (3.3V)低静态电流快速瞬态响应集成电路TPS76733QDR和 TPS76733QPWP
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    TI 主页 > 半导体 > 电源管理 > 线性稳压器 > 单通道 LDO >
    单输出 LDO、1.0A、固定电压 (3.3V)、低静态电流、快速瞬态响应 TPS76733QDR和 TPS76733QPWP
    TPS767xxx: Fast-Transient-Response 1-A LDO Voltage Regulators

    单通道 LDO TPS76733QDR和 TPS76733QPWP的说明
    This device is designed to have a fast transient response and be stable with 10-μF low ESR capacitors. This combination provides high performance at a reasonable cost.

    Because the PMOS device behaves as a low-value resistor, the dropout voltage is very low (typically 230 mV at an output current of 1 A for the TPS76750) and is directly proportional to the output current. Additionally, since the PMOS pass element is a voltage-driven device, the quiescent current is very low and independent of output loading (typically 85 μA over the full range of output current, 0 mA to 1 A). These two key specifications yield a significant improvement in operating life for battery-powered systems. This LDO family also features a sleep mode; applying a TTL high signal to EN\ (enable) shuts down the regulator, reducing the quiescent current to 1 μA at TJ = 25°C.

    单通道 LDO TPS76733QDR和 TPS76733QPWP的的特性

    1 A Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator
    Available in 1.5-V, 1.8-V, 2.5-V, 2.7-V, 2.8-V, 3.0-V, 3.3-V, 5.0-V Fixed Output and Adjustable Versions
    Dropout Voltage Down to 230 mV at 1 A (TPS76750)
    Ultralow 85 μA Typical Quiescent Current
    Fast Transient Response
    2% Tolerance Over Specified Conditions for Fixed-Output Versions
    Open Drain Power-On Reset With 200-ms Delay (See TPS768xx for PG Option)
    8-Pin SOIC and 20-Pin TSSOP PowerPAD™ (PWP) Package
    Thermal Shutdown Protection
    TI的单输出 LDO 1.0A固定电压 (3.3V)低静态电流快速瞬态响应集成电路TPS76733QDR和 TPS76733QPWP
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    Published at 2024/12/22 1:56:34, Powered By v1.0.0(MSSQL)