- BQ24160ARGER
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- 发布者:凌晔科技
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查看此店铺所有供求信息 联系人:陈小姐 电话:13544017528 手机:13544017528 地址:广东省深圳市福田区中航路华强广场C座13L 服务: 价格: 综合: 营业时间:全年营业 QQ/微信/Skype: |
描述:The bq24160, bq24160A, bq24161, bq24161B, bq24163, and bq24168 are highly integrated single-cell Li-Ion battery charger and system power path management devices targeted for space-limited, portable applications with high-capacity batteries. The single-cell charger has dual inputs which allow operation from either a USB port or a higher-power input supply (that is, AC adapter or wireless charging input) for a versatile solution. The two inputs are fully isolated from each other and are easily selectable using the I2C interface.
The power path management feature allows the bq2416xx to power the system from a high-efficiency DC-DC converter while simultaneously and independently charging the battery. The power-path management architecture enables the system to run with a defective or absent battery pack and enables instant system turnon even with a totally discharged battery or no battery.
High-Efficiency Switched-Mode Charger with
Separate Power Path Control
Instantly Start Up System from a Deeply
Discharged Battery or No Battery
Instantly Start Up System from a Deeply
Discharged Battery or No Battery
Compatible with MaxLife™ Technology for Faster
Charging When Used in Conjunction With
Dual Input, Integrated FET Charger for up to 2.5-A
20-V input rating, with Overvoltage Protection
6.5 V for USB Input up to 1.5 A
10.5 V for IN input (bq24160, bq24160A,
bq24161, bq24163) up to 2.5 A
6.5 V for IN input (bq24168) up to 2.5 A
20-V input rating, with Overvoltage Protection
6.5 V for USB Input up to 1.5 A
10.5 V for IN input (bq24160, bq24160A,
bq24161, bq24163) up to 2.5 A
6.5 V for IN input (bq24168) up to 2.5 A
6.5 V for USB Input up to 1.5 A
10.5 V for IN input (bq24160, bq24160A,
bq24161, bq24163) up to 2.5 A
6.5 V for IN input (bq24168) up to 2.5 A
Safe and Accurate Battery-Management
1% Battery Regulation Accuracy
10% Charge Current Accuracy
1% Battery Regulation Accuracy
10% Charge Current Accuracy
Charge Parameters Programmed Using I2C
Voltage-Based, NTC Monitoring Input
JEITA Compatible (bq24160, bq24160A,
bq24161B, bq24163, bq24168)
JEITA Compatible (bq24160, bq24160A,
bq24161B, bq24163, bq24168)
Available in small 2.8-mm × 2.8-mm 49-ball
WCSP or 4-mm × 4-mm VQFN-24 Packages
qq: 869030400
描述:The bq24160, bq24160A, bq24161, bq24161B, bq24163, and bq24168 are highly integrated single-cell Li-Ion battery charger and system power path management devices targeted for space-limited, portable applications with high-capacity batteries. The single-cell charger has dual inputs which allow operation from either a USB port or a higher-power input supply (that is, AC adapter or wireless charging input) for a versatile solution. The two inputs are fully isolated from each other and are easily selectable using the I2C interface.
The power path management feature allows the bq2416xx to power the system from a high-efficiency DC-DC converter while simultaneously and independently charging the battery. The power-path management architecture enables the system to run with a defective or absent battery pack and enables instant system turnon even with a totally discharged battery or no battery.
High-Efficiency Switched-Mode Charger with
Separate Power Path Control
Instantly Start Up System from a Deeply
Discharged Battery or No Battery
Instantly Start Up System from a Deeply
Discharged Battery or No Battery
Compatible with MaxLife™ Technology for Faster
Charging When Used in Conjunction With
Dual Input, Integrated FET Charger for up to 2.5-A
20-V input rating, with Overvoltage Protection
6.5 V for USB Input up to 1.5 A
10.5 V for IN input (bq24160, bq24160A,
bq24161, bq24163) up to 2.5 A
6.5 V for IN input (bq24168) up to 2.5 A
20-V input rating, with Overvoltage Protection
6.5 V for USB Input up to 1.5 A
10.5 V for IN input (bq24160, bq24160A,
bq24161, bq24163) up to 2.5 A
6.5 V for IN input (bq24168) up to 2.5 A
6.5 V for USB Input up to 1.5 A
10.5 V for IN input (bq24160, bq24160A,
bq24161, bq24163) up to 2.5 A
6.5 V for IN input (bq24168) up to 2.5 A
Safe and Accurate Battery-Management
1% Battery Regulation Accuracy
10% Charge Current Accuracy
1% Battery Regulation Accuracy
10% Charge Current Accuracy
Charge Parameters Programmed Using I2C
Voltage-Based, NTC Monitoring Input
JEITA Compatible (bq24160, bq24160A,
bq24161B, bq24163, bq24168)
JEITA Compatible (bq24160, bq24160A,
bq24161B, bq24163, bq24168)
Available in small 2.8-mm × 2.8-mm 49-ball
WCSP or 4-mm × 4-mm VQFN-24 Packages
qq: 869030400